Do you know anyone whose life drastically changed because of a heart attack or stroke?
Prevention is key. Talk to your doctor about your heart health and cholesterol.
This tool is here to:
- Help you understand how cholesterol may affect you
- Help you figure out whether a medication to treat cholesterol levels is right for you
Unhealthy cholesterol levels are a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Improving these levels reduces your chance of having a heart attack or stroke. You should discuss your cholesterol with your doctor or health care professional, who can help you find the best options for managing your cholesterol.
The only symptom I recall was a sensation going down my left arm. And there I was, with a massive heart attack at the age of 48, which I found to be a rude interruption to my lifestyle. My partner and I were hoping to work until we were about 65, retire, and travel North America via motorhome. But then I had my heart attack and goodbye. I did not think this would happen to me. I thought I was too young. I’ll worry about this when I am older. When it became a reality, that was the hard part. My work kept my job open for 3 months, but I was never able to go back to work. I had to go on welfare, Calgary Housing, and eventually CPP disability. So for 3 – 4 years I was not happy. I was bitter, angry, an emotional wreck, and not sure if I would make it to 50. If you're going to put blame or fault, it would be mine. Because I could have and should have followed doctors’ advices.

At the age of 54, my wife and I were at a good point in our life. The kids were on their own and doing well, my career was in a great place, the mortgage was paid off, and we were looking ahead to retirement. I did not expect to have a heart attack. When it happened, I did not experience any of the classic symptoms, I just felt very tired all day. Prior to my heart attack, I had warning signs. I have a family history of heart attacks and my doctor had conversations with me regarding my elevated levels of cholesterol and LDL-HDL balance.
Having a heart attack changed my life. Progression in my career was over. Now when I leave the house, I am constantly wondering if I have everything I need, like my nitro spray and cellphone, with me in case something happens, and I live in fear of being too far away from emergency medical help, especially when travelling.
I feel guilty about having a heart attack, and the emotional strain it put on my family, because it was avoidable. I was born healthy, but all the choices that I made took me down that path to a heart attack. And I have regrets that I didn't correct things before they happened. If I could go back in time, I would tell my past self to make healthier diet choices and exercise more. Currently, I am on statins. I have no side effects and believe that with proper monitoring by you and your doctor, there should be no reason to suffer any side effects from statins. By working with your doctor and taking their advice, you're going to lead yourself to a better place than you would if you chose not to work with them. I'm a prime example.
Having a heart attack changed my life. Progression in my career was over. Now when I leave the house, I am constantly wondering if I have everything I need, like my nitro spray and cellphone, with me in case something happens, and I live in fear of being too far away from emergency medical help, especially when travelling.
I feel guilty about having a heart attack, and the emotional strain it put on my family, because it was avoidable. I was born healthy, but all the choices that I made took me down that path to a heart attack. And I have regrets that I didn't correct things before they happened. If I could go back in time, I would tell my past self to make healthier diet choices and exercise more. Currently, I am on statins. I have no side effects and believe that with proper monitoring by you and your doctor, there should be no reason to suffer any side effects from statins. By working with your doctor and taking their advice, you're going to lead yourself to a better place than you would if you chose not to work with them. I'm a prime example.